

Thank you for your interest in helping Autism Services to further our Mission. Without volunteers like you, we would not be able to meet the needs of the individuals for whom we provide services.

“ASMC has a need for additional leaders to serve on its Board of Directors.”

If you think you might want to serve on our Board of Directors or one of its Committees, please contact our Board President Donald Tate at donald@middlegraymedia.com

Standing Committees include:

  • Human Rights
  • Finance/Audit
  • Fund Raising

If you have experience with Grant Writing, Landscaping, Building Maintenance, etc. and would like to help ASMC, please contact Prince Johnson, Executive Director, CEO, at <prince@autismservices.org> or (704) 392-9220, ext.101.

Surprising Benefits of Volunteering:

  • Volunteering increases self-confidence.
  • Volunteering increases your social skills.
  • Volunteering helps you stay active.
  • Volunteering offers new challenges.
  • Volunteering is FUN!

If your volunteer role will require you to interact directly with Autism Service’s consumers and you are over the age of 16, then we will ask you to submit to a criminal background check and drug screening. These precautions are necessary to ensure the safety of both our consumers and our volunteers.